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  • Presbytery of Costal Carolina

Ministry Architect’s Report

Updated: Aug 12

Following a series of open listening sessions in our Presbytery, Ministry Architects has shared a report with us that outlines our assets and challenges moving forward.


Ministry Architects has been conducting a deep listening assessment as part of strategic planning for the future of our Presbytery. Several gatherings were held in July.

During this time, consultants met with over 130 participants, representing nearly 60 churches, across 18 listening groups.  Additional feedback was received through emails and an online survey completed by 15 people. A Spanish language session was also held to include our growing multi-cultural churches.


Conversations within these gatherings revealed trends across the Presbytery that can be leveraged and addressed to move strategically forward, together. What follows

In the report are the findings gleaned from those conversations, along with recommendations towards a sustainable approach for future ministry by the Presbytery.

In these next steps, we are inviting prayer support from across the Presbytery as well as seeking persons to be part of the “Renovation Team.”


Learn more about being part of the Renovation Team by reading this PDF description.

Contact Steven Fitzgerald (, Jerrod Lowry, or Laura Lupton to learn more.



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