Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
Three Covenant Communities
Our Vision
We Seek to Live as Coastal Carolina Presbyterians
Empowered by our large size and rich diversity we help one another to share Christ’s ministry and mission in a changing world.

As an entire Presbytery, we bear witness to our historic Reformed faith and learn from one another so that we can be God’s sent-out church in our own day.
Gathered in Three Covenant Communities, we strengthen our relationships by finding ways to partner with nearby congregations, joining in God’s mission in our communities, and learning from one another so that we can be Christ’s Spirit-filled apostles to the whole world.

We gather in worship, in prayer, and in study, so that we can awaken our own spiritual imagination and stir one another to greater congregational vitality.
We gather in times of fellowship, in occasions of learning, in ministries of compassion, and in joint worship of God, so that our various congregations can become increasingly open to the movement of the Spirit in our lives.
Each of us brings our gifts and skills to the table, so that we can effectively develop the leaders that our Presbytery and our congregations need.