Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
Three Covenant Communities
A Brief Description of Committees
African-American Ministries
9 Members plus co-opted members, representing AA congregations. Elected by Presbytery with suggestions from AA congregations.
Purpose: To strengthen the ministries and develop unity among the African-American congregations within the Presbytery and to assist the Presbytery to become more aware of the needs and gifts of African American congregations.
Meets on Saturdays in various AA churches.
Commission on Ministry (COM)
45 members with 15 in each Missional Community. Elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: To serve as pastor and counselor to teaching elders, ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service, and certified Christian educators of the presbytery; to facilitate the relations between the presbytery and its congregations, teaching elders, ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service, and certified Christian educators; and to settle difficulties on behalf of the presbytery where possible and expedient.
Meets each month for 2-3 hours (usually during the day) in locations central to each Community or on Zoom. Between meetings members make contacts with a set number (4-6) of congregations each. Members may also be called upon to form examination committees to interview candidates for ordination and ministers seeking to join this presbytery. Average commitment is two days per month.
Finance and Property
6-9 members appointed by Mission Cabinet. Purpose: to exercise proper oversight over the finances and property of the Presbytery including developing an annual budget, arranging for an annual financial audit, and recommending to the Presbytery actions on financial and property issues. Meets 4-6 times per year during the day in Elizabethtown or via Zoom.
9-12 members nominated by Presbytery moderator and elected by the Presbytery.
Purpose: To identify and nominate qualified candidates to serve on Presbytery committees and in particular roles of the Presbytery; also to carry out the process of nominating commissioners to the General Assembly
Meets 3 times per year on Saturdays in Elizabethtown and more briefly 2-3 times a year by Zoom meeting platform. Committee members work individually between meetings to contact potential nominees.
New Church Development
6-9 members appointed by Mission Cabinet. Purpose is to guide the presbytery in the establishment of new worshipping congregations and churches and to propose funding of efforts from the Presbytery’s New Church Development fund. Meets as needed.
Personnel Sub Committee
7 members appointed by Mission Cabinet. Purpose: The Personnel Committee exercises proper oversight over the staff of the Presbytery including evaluating the work of the General Presbyter/Stated Clerk, assures that evaluation of other staff members is carried out annually, maintains the Personnel Policies of the Presbytery, and provides resource and support to the General Presbytery as needed in dealing with personnel issues. Meets annually to review General Presbytery/Stated Clerk and at other times to review GP/SC’s review of other Presbytery staff members.
3 members, one from each Community, elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: To advise Presbytery Mission Cabinet regarding the implementation of principles of unity and diversity; to advocate for diversity in leadership; and to consult with Presbytery Mission Cabinet on the employment of personnel in accordance with the principles of unity and diversity in the Book of Order F-1.0403.
Meets electronically to prepare annual report to Presbytery and Synod. Representative from committee also meets with Nominations committee.
Self Development of People (SDOP)
6+ members appointed by Mission Cabinet. Majority must be Presbyterian and majority must be people of color or low income persons. Purpose: Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People is a ministry that affirms God’s concern for humankind. We are Presbyterians and ecumenical partners dissatisfied with poverty and oppression, united in faith and action through sharing, confronting, and enabling by participating in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people, seeking to change the structures that perpetuate poverty, oppression and injustice. Meets as needed. Ideally there will be local cells in each community of the presbytery.
Bills and Overtures
6 members elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: To ensure that the Presbytery properly dockets (or refers to a committee or workgroup) all bills and overtures received from member churches or Teaching Elders for presbytery consideration and to review and make recommendations (or referrals to committees or workgroups) regarding requests and communications to Presbytery from other PC(USA) governing bodies.
Meets as necessary during Presbytery meetings if New Business is presented and occasionally to prepare to guide conversation at presbytery meetings when proposed amendments to the Constitution are sent down by GA for ratification by the presbyteries.
Elder Ministries
6-9 members elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: 1. To provide for, and oversee, the training and preparation of Ruling Elders for service in our churches as Pulpit Supply Preachers and Commissioned Pastors(CREs) in compliance with Commission On Ministry policies; 2. to provide for continuing education opportunities for REs (ruling elders), QREs (qualified ruling elders) and CREs (commissioned ruling elders); and 3. to actively promote this program and recruit persons to become QREs and/or CREs.
Meets most months via Zoom, currently third Tuesdays at 11 a.m.. Each member of the committee serves as a liaison with particular candidate(s), maintaining regular contact.
Latino-Hispanic Ministries
9-12 members drawn from Latino churches and missions, including pastors and lay persons with other Spanish speaking members of the Presbytery. Elected by Presbytery with suggestions from Latino community.
Purpose: To support and strengthen various Latino-Hispanic congregations, missions and ministries within the Presbytery; to assign pastors to their work and guide congregations in their mission as commissioned by the Commission on Ministry; and to assist the Presbytery to become more aware of the needs and gifts of Latino-Hispanic congregations and missions.
Meets: four Saturdays per year in Elizabethtown. Meetings are held in Spanish.
Mission Cabinet
Permanent Judicial Commission
7 members elected by the Presbytery for 6-year terms, no consecutive second term.
Purpose: the Permanent Judicial Commission has the responsibilities detailed in the Rules of Discipline of the Book of Order and conducts its business in strict accord with the requirements of the Rules of Discipline.
Meets as needed to hear cases.
Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
9 members elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: has responsibility for care and oversight of persons from churches in the Presbytery who are preparing for ministry of Word and Sacrament and other church vocations.
Meets two to three times a year. Can also meet electronically to interview inquirers/candidates or hold annual consultations with them.
Response Coordinating Team
7 members elected by Presbytery.
Purpose: The RCT is charged with the responsibility to assure that an objective, effective, expeditious, and caring response is made to reports of sexual misconduct.
Meets occasionally for training/ orientation. Members may be tapped to work with variety of persons/groups affected by accusations of sexual misconduct.
Strategic Planning & Organizational Review
9 members
Purpose: To oversee the various aspects of Strategic Planning and Organizational Review for the Presbytery. This includes maintaining or achieving healthy, faithful and effective mission and vision statements of the presbytery. They also review the design and makeup of Mission Cabinet and Steering Teams. SPOR works collaboratively with Finance & Property Committee and Personnel Committee, as well as Mission Cabinet and the General Presbyter and Mission Coordinators.
Meetings are almost monthly as the committee deals with adaptive challenges of ministry post pandemic and post Christendom. Regular monthly meetings are on the second Thursday of each month usually by Zoom.