Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
Three Covenant Communities
Officer Training Resources
Preparation for Ordered Ministry (Theo-Academy YouTube Channel)
Church Officer Training - materials for use by pastors & sessions in training officers (elders & deacons).
Church Member Training - materials for use by pastors & sessions in welcoming new members and preparing them for full membership into the congregation.
Annually Officer Training events are held in various locations around the Presbytery. Please contact a Mission Coordinator for dates and locations.
Statistical Reporting - Clerks
Instructions for completing the online Statistical Reports are sent to Clerks of Session in mid-November. These online reports are due in mid-February each year.
in addition, links to other reports required by the Presbytery are listed below. Email them to De Scott,, or mail them to the Presbytery office.
These forms are updated each November & are due in January & February
Continuing Education Reports
Church Information Verification
(Sent with online instructions)