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Financial Information for Congregations

Presbytery Financial Information

Per Capita 


The funds of Presbytery are audited by a certified accounting firm.

2024 IRS Mileage Rate
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2024, the standard mileage rate is 
67 cents per mile for business miles.  

Pastor's Terms of Call Information


Please report any salary changes to the Board of Pensions, as soon as possible.


If a pastor’s housing allowance needs to be adjusted, make sure it is done as soon as possible and reflected in session minutes.


Board of Pension dues and coverage information can be found at the Board of Pensions website

Need help with doing a Church Financial Review (AUDIT)?


Church Financial Review Checklist

Websites/Documents with Financial Resources:

We are ready to assist you with any financial questions you have.

Please contact Lornette McCaskill, Presbytery Treasurer

910-862-8300 ext. 4

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